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High resolution panorama of a red brick wall
St Peter's Church is a redundant Anglican church in Sandwich, Kent, England.
St Clement's is an Anglican Parish Church in the Diocese of Canterbury, the Deanery of Sandwich
St Peter's Church is a redundant Anglican church in Sandwich, Kent, England.
Dover Castle is a medieval castle in Dover, Kent, England. It was founded in the 11th century and has been described as the "Key to England" due to its defensive significance throughout history. It is the largest castle in England.
Dover Castle is a medieval castle in Dover, Kent, England. It was founded in the 11th century and has been described as the "Key to England" due to its defensive significance throughout history. It is the largest castle in England.
Walmer Castle is an artillery fort originally constructed by Henry VIII in Walmer, Kent, between 1539 and 1540
Blurred view through a rainy window
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Neptune’s Tower, the ruin of a folly built by Henry Fox in the 18th Century
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